Azusa Street Prophectic School get college credit NOW!!!
REGISTER NOW!!! Azusa Street Mission is excited to announce the partnership of AZUSA STREET Prophetic School and Fountain Gate School Of Revival. For more information go to FGSOR will accept Azusa classes for a total of 24 credits from anyone who has already completed our course or would like to enroll in the Azusa Prophetic school online and would like to work toward a degree program. This is another step in fulfilling our objectives of being an Apostolic Prophetic Training
Center for the Nations. We believe this can be a valuable resource center for the
Body of Christ. The Saints of the Almighty God must be equipped for these last days ministry. Now is the time to know your purpose in God. Be prepared through studying to show
yourself approved a workman who is not ashamed and ready for his or her end time
assignment in God. 2 Timothy 2:15: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Get your MSG Manual, for use with the Azusa Prophetic School: Manuals are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese languages
Cost $10.00/ manual plus $8.00 shipping and handling = (total - $18.00)
Complete your full address, email and telephone number for prompt delivery Call 323-692-7268 to place your order. Recommended book list: Section 1
2,000 years of Charismatic Christianity (author) Eddie Hyatt
Section 2
The Day of the Saints (author) Dr. Bill Hamon
Section 3
Prophetic Scriptures Yet to be Fulfilled (author) Dr. Bill Hamon
Section 4
Apostles Prophets and the coming moves of God (author) Dr. Bill Hamon
Section 5
Prophets Pitfalls & Principles (author) Dr. Bill Hamon (Books by Dr. Bill Hamon can be ordered at Love & Blessings,
Fred & Wilma Berry,
Azusa Street Mission & Historical Society